Straightforward Contracts. No Purchase Necessary.

Our process is designed to be straightforward, eliminating the need for involvement from lawyers and bankers. This means a quicker turnaround and no last minute surprises.


Onboarding Phase

Once you sign up, we being an onboarding experience tailored to integrate your practice with our system in no time.


Continued Collaboration

We work with you hand in hand to continue to grow your practice and achieve your goals. We don’t believe in a “set it and forget it” approach.


Long Term Planning

We believe in longevity and are building an organization that leads the profession of pediatric dentistry into the future. We aren’t building to sell in 5 years. That being said, if and when you are ready to sell, we ensure you receive a practice valuation much higher than as an independent practice.

Here's How We'll Help

Recent Grad

  • 01

    Create industry-leading workflows and protocols to enhance clinical operations

  • 02

    Execute marketing strategies for patient acquisition and retention

  • 03

    Collaborate with you on data-driven decisions to grow your practice

Single Location Owner

  • 01

    Immediately make changes where it counts, while ensuring you have clinical control

  • 02

    Take over the tedious administrative tasks that you don’t have time for

  • 03

    Offer ongoing support to keep your practice growing

Multi-Location Owner

  • 01

    Implement standardization across all practices

  • 02

    Take over coordination and communication among locations

  • 03

    Provide strategic planning and support for consistent growth across all locations

Single or Multi-Location Owners


4 months or less

New graduate practice owners


8-12 months

What our partners are saying

"Having the opportunity to work with them is definitely a blessing for me and it’s great to be a part of their team overall"

Mark Storey
President, Practice Real
Estate Group

“Partnering with Alcan has been a tremendous experience.  Tim and Dr Alex go above and beyond”

Derek Sledge, SVP

Commercial Banking
Encore Bank

“Owning my own dental practice was always my ultimate goal. However, it's pretty intimidating and I didn't know where to start. Now that I've been working with them (Alcan Dental) very closely, I couldn't imagine doing this alone.”

Dr Kasey Stark, DDS